Local Ministries

Local Ministries

Below you will find information regarding our Monthly Evening of Prayer, C.A.M.R.Y. Outreach, ADULT and TEEN CHALLENGE and Monroe Avenue/Fusion Outreach. Click on the links to find out more.

Evening of Prayer | Adult and Teen Challenge | C.A.M.R.Y. Outreach | Monroe Ave/Fusion Outreach

Follow The Cloud Events

Follow The Cloud events are held at various locations and times of the year. These are gatherings of worship, concerts, teachings, and fellowship. Check out the various photos from last year’s events and check our calendar for the next upcoming gathering. 2022 Liberty Pole 2022 Henrietta 2022 Spencerport Bible Church

Evening of Prayer

Evening of Prayer – Every First Friday (Year-Round) PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE On the 1st Friday of every month Minister Jeff Inscho will be hosting an Evening Prayer Meeting from 7:00 PM to 12:00 AM at The 7 Center in Macedon. This is an opportunity for the body of Christ to come together and pray with and for one another and to spend extra time worshipping and seeking the Lord. The evening is designed in a way that people…

Monroe Ave/Fusion Outreach

Outreach Every Second Saturday (April-October) The Monroe Avenue/Fusion Outreach takes place every second Saturday from April through October. We meet from 8:30-10:00 PM on Monroe Avenue to pray, pass out gospel tracts, and reach people with the gospel and love of Jesus Christ. The city strip of Monroe Avenue has a very diverse demographic, so be ready to minister to people from all walks of life. Your church group can contact Rescue & Revive Ministries to be a part of…