Corn Harvest in Kenya
Sunday Message from RRM Ambassador to Kenya – Pastor Max Odunga
Video from Kenya 2022 Trip
Kenya 2021 Trip

Treasures, 2 Corinthians 4:7
From March-April 2021 a Rescue & Revive Ministries missions team traveled to Kisumu, Nambale, and Busia County, Kenya. The team conducted crusades and conferences over a total of eight days. They witnessed countless testimonies of God’s grace and favor and experienced many amazing answers to prayer throughout the trip.
If you feel led to pray or give to the RRM Kenya Ministry, please click on the DONATE TO KENYA icon or send a check addressed to Rescue & Revive Ministries with “Kenya” in the memo of the check to the address below.
Rescue & Revive Ministries
P.O. Box 26557
Rochester, NY 14626
Thank you for helping us rescue the lost and revive the saved with the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Click on the Photo Galleries button to view photos from our trips.
Kenya 2021 Trip, Recap Video
To hear a recap of the RRM team’s recent trip to Kenya, please watch the video below!